Hall Hire

St Mary’s has a large Church hall with seating for up to 100 people, a full functioning kitchen and various smaller meeting rooms upstairs that are accessible for all.

If you would like to book any of these, leave your name and email with a brief message of inquiry and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Our availability calendar below will give you a rough idea about free timeslots. We regret that, at the current time, we are only able to accept regular bookings.

Please find more detailed information and availability in the FAQ section below.



Events are priced on an individual basis depending on your particular requirements. However, to give you some idea, the guideline hourly rates for regular use (with discounts for community/charity use or when booking is over 4 hours) are:

Main Hall - £16.50
Meeting Rooms - £9.75
Light use of the kitchen is included. 

Our normal minimum hire period is 1.25 hours. Please remember to include an adequate amount of preparation and clearing up time in your booking time.

All hirings are made on a 'leave the hall as you find it" basis and any extra cleaning that is required after your event may be charged for.

Opening Hours?

The operating hours of the Hall are
0800 to 2300 -  Monday to Saturday
0900 to 2230  - Sunday (church use and Baptism parties only)

What is included?

The hire charge includes use of the room(s) booked and light use of the kitchen for drinks and pre-prepared food.

If the kitchen is to be used for food preparation or cooking it is important that full use of the kitchen should be requested when booking. You are welcome to use the Hall's tables, chairs, crockery, glasses and cutlery but we do expect you to put them back in a clean condition afterwards!

What do I need to bring?

You will need to bring any consumables  ( tea, coffee etc ), linen (tea towels, tablecloths). Spare bin bags and any washing up sponges etc are usually a good idea.
If you are cooking please bear in mind that there is only a basic supply of cooking equipment so  you may need to supply your own cooking pots and pans etc (stainless steel pans only on the ceramic hob, please).


St Mary's Hall holds a premises licence for public entertainment (music, dancing etc),  a Performing Rights Society Licence (for live music) and a community building PPL licence (for recorded music). We do not, however, have a premises licence for the sale of alcohol.
It is crucial to contact the Booking Secretary before applying to Rushcliffe Borough Council for any additional licence for an event at the hall.
If you are running a for-profit class which involves recorded music, it is your responsibility to make sure you have the correct  PPL licence.


The Hall's public liability insurance only covers liabilities arising from defects in the building or negligence of the Hall's management committee. All hirers are strongly recommended to take out their own insurance. (Individuals should check with their household insurers that their proposed activity is covered). All commercial and long-term hirers MUST have their own public liability insurance.

Availability Calendar