Electoral Roll Refresh 2025
In 2025, along with all other churches in the Church of England, we must completely refresh our church Electoral Rolls. This happens every 6 years. Those who decide to join are eligible to vote for PCC members and for representatives on Deanery Synod. They can also stand for election themselves. The Church of England uses the number on each church’s roll as one indicator of a church’s committed membership.
Because the rolls of our 2 churches will be completely reset this year, everyone who has been on the previous rolls will no longer be listed from 4th April 2025 and will need to apply again.
You can submit your application in several ways:
Online - Radcliffe and/or Shelford (This is our preferred route, please)
By email - download and fill out this form and return to the Church Office
On paper - paper forms are available at the back of church or from the Church Office. Please return to the Church Office letterbox or hand to a Churchwarden
The deadline for applications is 31st March 2025.
Do I have to join the Roll?
No, it is perfectly possible to be a member of our churches without being on an Electoral Roll. However, if you are eligible to join we would encourage you to consider it for the above reasons.
Am I eligible to join?
To be eligible you must be:
Not a member of the clergy!
Over 16 or nearly 16
One of:
A member of the Church of England who lives in the parish
A member of the Church of England who lives elsewhere but who has been habitually worshipping here for the last 6 months (or who would have done if they had not been, for example, ill).
A member of another church / denomination who has also been habitually worshipping here for the last 6 months
Can I be on the Roll of more than 1 church?
Yes indeed, if you fulfill the criteria above for each church. However, you can only serve on the PCC of one church!
What is displayed when the Roll is published?
The Roll will be published for 15 days before this year’s APCM on a paper list at the back of church. Names but no other details will be displayed.