Keeping in Touch

Please click here to fill in your up-to-date contact details and your contact preferences.

We are keen to make sure that any contact details we hold for you are correct and that you only hear from us in ways that you are happy with. Please fill out the form (link above) with the details you would like us to use when we contact you. 

Church Family List

Our 'Church Family' list is the nearest thing we have to a list of members and is the basis for all our membership administration and pastoral visiting. So, if you consider yourself a part of St Mary’s, it is important that you tick this option, please. 

Our communications with you

Most of our communication with you will happen as part of normal church business (or our ‘legitimate interests’ in data protection speak.) However, some types of communication - particularly anything that could be described as ‘promotional’ and which involves electronic communication - will need your clear consent. While it is very useful for us to have the option to email or text you about appeals and new services, we will only do so if you give your permission. 

You have the choice of either filling out the online form above or a paper form in church.

Our full privacy notice can be viewed on the church website at Privacy Policy or at the back of church. Copies are also available from the church office. 

Thank you so much for your help with this.

Pews News

(Please note that consents for our weekly news bulletin, Pews News, are handled separately. if you would like to subscribe to receive Pews News by email, please email )